Honor Scores
300 Games
Adam Hicks | Friday Night Mixed | 4/22/2016
Michael Painter | Wednesday Night Men | 4/20/2016
Darrell Simuel | Sparkle City | 3/17/2016
Reuben Norman | Wednesday Night Men | 1/13/2016
Lori Gamble | Tuesday Night Mixed | 1/12/2016
Brian Osteen | Wednesday Night Men | 12/30/2015
Barry Hames, Jr | Friday Night Mixed | 12/18/2015
Danny Cobb | Wednesday Night Men | 12/16/2015
Patrick Beaty | Tuesday Night Mixed | 12/15/2015
Thomas Glouse | Friday Night Mixed | 12/11/2015
Shawn Stanfield | Tuesday Night Mixed | 9/8/2015
Jason Ruppe | Tuesday Night Mixed | 3/1/2016
Mike Epperly | Sparkle City | 2/18/2016
Danny Cobb | Wednesday Night Men | 2/10/2016
Charles “CJ” Mack | Sparkle City | 12/102015
Bryan Dudley | Tuesday Night Mixed | 12/1/2015
Billy Sewell | Tuesday Night Mixed | 11/24/2015
Mac Sanders | Wednesday Night Men | 10/14/2015
James Carman | Wednesday Night Men | 9/30/2015
John York | Tuesday Night Mixed | 9/22/2015
Brian Osteen | Wednesday Night Men | 9/16/2015
800 Games
Michael Painter (834 – 279, 265,290) | Friday Night Mixed | 4/15/2016
Jason Ruppe (824 – 268, 300, 256) | Tuesday Night Mixed | 3/1/2016
Frank Chiappetta (804 – 277, 279, 248) | Wednesday Night Men | 1/13/2016
Danny Cobb (813 – 290, 223, 300) | Wednesday Night Men | 12/16/2015
Danny Cobb (801 – 277, 236, 288) | Wednesday Night Men | 11/18/2015
Brian Osteen (810 – 300, 262, 248) | Wednesday Night Men | 9/16/2015
Shawn Stanfield (800 – 246, 300, 254) | Tuesday Night Mixed | 9/8/2015
Weekly High Scores
John Bushong | 11 in a Row, 289 Game, 728 Series | 02/27/2018
Association Bowler of the Month
Association Bowler of the Month is awarded to the highest scoring bowler each month in each category from both bowling centers in the Spartanburg Association. The bowlers listed below won from our center, Paradise Lanes.